martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

earth rocks soil

            rock:a naturally formed solid in the crust, made up of one or more mineral.
                igneous rock:a rock formed when melted rock material cools and hardens.
                 sedimentary rock:a rock made of bits of matter joined together.

                           fossil:any remains or inprint of living things of the past.

      metamorphic rock:a rock formed under heat and pressure from another kind of rock.
                             humus:decayed plant or animal material in soil.
                   pollution:adding any harmful subtances to earth land, water, or air.

     rock cycle:rocks changing from one form into another in a never- ending series of processes.

mineral of earth crust

               mineral:a solid material of earth crust with a definite composition.
                          luster:the way light bounces off a mineral surface.
      streak:the color of the powder left when a mineral is rubbed againt a hard, rough surface.
                            hardness:how well a mineral resists scratching.
                     cleavage:the tendency of a mineral to break along flat surface.
                                ore:a mineral containing a useful subtance.
                             gem:a mineral valued for being rare and beautiful.
nonrenewable resource:a resource that can not be replaced within a short period of time or at all

earth changing crust

                    fault:a crack in the crust, whose sides show evidence of motion.
                             geologist:a scientist who studies earth.

                          magma:hot, molten rock deep below earth surface.
                                   lava:magma that reach earth surface.
                    weathering:the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces.
                      erosion:the picking up and carrying away of pieces of rock.
                        deposition:the dropping off of bits of eroded rock.

   meteorite:a chunk of rock from space that strikes a surface(such as earth or the moon).

earth and its neighbors

                   solar system:the sun and the objects that are traveling around it.

      planet:any of the eight large bodies that travel around the sun and shine by reflecting its light   

     gravity:a force of attraction,or pull between any objects and any other objects around it.
                  inertia:the tendency of a moving objects to keep moving in a straight line.
lithosphere:the hard,outer layer of earth,about 100 kilometers thick.

crust:the rocky surface that makes up the top of lithosphere.
                         resource:any material that helps support life on earth

                                     hydrophere:earth water

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

solid, liquid and gases

                    state of matter:any of the forms matter can exist in.
            melting point:the temperature at which a solid changes state into a gas.
            boiling point:the temperature at which a liquid chauges state into a gas

          freezing point:the temperature at which a liquid changes state into a solid.

invisible light

electromagnetic:the productionn of magnetism by electricity and the prodution of electricity by magnets.                                   

electromagnetic spectrum:all the wavelenghts of visible and invisible light in order from short(gamma rays) to long (radio).
   laser:a device that produce a thin stream of light of just a few close wavelenghts.

colors of light

prism:a cutpiece of clear glass(or plastic)with two oppositesides in the shape of a triangle or other geometric shape.          
spectrum: a band of colors produced when light goes through a prism.

primary color:red,green,or blue; mixing these colors can produce all the colors of the spectrum.
primary pigment: magenta,cyan,yellow;material with any of these colors absorbs one primary color of light and reflects the other two.

light and lenses

                                 opaque: completely blocking light from passing through.
transparent:letting all light through,sothat objectson the other side can be seen clearly.

translucent:letting only some light through,so that objects on the other side appaer blurry.

polarization:allowing light vibrations to pass through in only one directions.

refration:the bending of light rays as they pass from one subtance into another.

convex lens:a lens that curves outward(is thicker at the middle than at the edges)and brings light rays together.                   
 concave lens:a lens that curves outward(is thiker at the edges than at the middle)and spreads  light rays apart.                                                                       

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

solar system

                                             inroduction                                                                                                                                    the solar system is the sun and the object traveling around it. 

                           the characterictics of each planets

                                                        the distance of each planets to the sun:
                                                               Mercury.57.9     Venus.108.2
                                                               Earth.149.6         Mars.227.9
                                                               Jupiter.778.3       Saturn.1,427
                                                               Uranus2,870       Neptune.4,497                         
                                                                Pluto.5,900 .

                                              length of day 
                                                 Mercury 59 days 
                                                                          Venus 243 days
                                                                           Earth 24 hours
                                                                            Mars 24 hours
                                                                            Jupiter 9 hours 56 minutes
                                                                             Saturn 10 hours 40 minutes
                                                                           Uranus 17 hours 14 minutes
                                                                              Neptune 16 hours 6 minutes 
                                                                            Pluto 6.36 days
                            And to conclute I can said that the earth is important for the solar system.

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